Wuhu Nuowei chemistry Co., Ltd.

Wuhu Nuowei chemistry Co., Ltd.

Main products: Nucleosides,Nucleotides,Amino acidsAmino Acid & Peptides,Carbohydrates,Ionic Liquids

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Wuhu Nuowei chemistry Co., Ltd.
Country: China
Tel: 0553-+undefined-0553-8233716-802
Mobile: +undefined17756524438
E-mail: 2328193385@qq.com
QQ: 2328193385
Skype: Chat Now!
Address: Jiujiang Zone
Wuhu Nuowei chemistry Co., Ltd. is established 2014,which is a integration of production, research and sales. The company is a high-tech pharmaceutical and biochemical enterprise. Our company follows the policy of “customer focus;service foremost; quality first;mutual benefit”.Through the well-equipped analytical instruments,the company promote high quality products to customer.

The supplier does not disclose its product catalog at present.